※予防接種拡大計画(Expanded Program on Immunization: EPI)
「Tshering Wangdi、26歳です。ノンフォーマル教育の教師をしている妻と二人の娘がいます。
2011年から予防接種拡大計画(EPI)部門の仕事をしています。EPIの技術者として、東部ブータンの県病院と基礎保健医療施設(basic health unit: BHU)のコールドチェーン設備を維持しています。毎日、朝と晩にワクチンの温度を記録します。ワクチンの在庫状況は月次で確認し、在庫整理を行っています。この東部ブータンには、9カ所の県病院があり、モンガル県下には23の基礎保健医療施設があります。私は、これら地域で行われるすべての予防接種活動にワクチンを供給し、6つの県の保健施設を訪問してコールドチェーン設備の修繕も行っています。UNICEFのサポートにより、私は2016年にインドでコールドチェーン修繕のトレーニングを受けることができました。このお陰で、私は自信を持ってコールドチェーン修繕にあたることができています。一方で、修繕のために必要なスペア部品が地元ではなかなか調達できない問題も抱えています。
My life as an EPI technician
My name is Tshering Wangdi. I am 26 years old. I am married. My wife works as an instructor for non-formal education. We have two daughters.
I was attached with the EPI unit from November 2011 till end of March 2014. On 1st April 2014 I became a permanent EPI technician. As an EPI technician I maintain the cold chain equipment for district hospitals and basic health units under eastern region. I record vaccine temperatures every morning and evening. Every month I do physical stock checking of the vaccines as well as calculate the wastage. There are nine hospitals in the region and 23 basic health units under Mongar district and I supply immunization activities in all of them as well as travel of all the health facilities in six districts for cold chain equipment repair. I also have to ensure that vaccines are supplied every month to the BHUs under Mongar district and every quarter to other district hospitals through the cold chain.
Through UNICEF support, I was fortunate to be trained in cold chain repair in India last year (2016). Now I am fully confident in repairing all the cold chain equipment. But the problem is getting spare parts for the repair works. It is not easily available in the local market.
I am proud and happy to be working as an EPI technician because I am able to contribute in my little way by supporting the delivery of good and timely immunization services for the children of Bhutan.
But there are many challenges still. I often receive complaints from hospitals and basic health units regarding malfunctioning of the cold chain. But there’s little that I can do as I am not professional trained in cold chain management. I think all EPI technicians need to be well trained in cold chain management to provide good services and to ensure that the immunization programme runs smoothly. I look forward to serve in my capacity with full dedication.
©UNICEF Bhutan, February 2017